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York Oldtimers Hockey League

Just for fun ...

2023-2024 – Season is currently Happening!

(Nov 5, 2023)

The YOHL was established since 1975 the league and currently has 32 teams in 4 age divisions. Opperating out of arenas in Nemarket, Aurora and Richmond Hill, the YOHL has many well established teams but newcomers are always welcome.

There are no playoffs or champions crowned, just lots of hockey.  The YOHL covets a competitive game based on sportsmanship, fair play and respect for our teammates, opponents, referees and league officials.


We can help with that!.

Our teams typically manage themselves and are responsible for their own rosters. When needed though, we can help them find players to fill vacated spots.

Send us your contact information by email or on the form on this page.

Tell us what you’re looking for and we’ll try and hook you up with a team.

Contact YOHL



We would like to know the highest level of hockey you have played and where you might be playing now.

You can play in younger divisions but not older divisions. For example some of the 50+ players also play in the 35+ division. Some of the 60+ players also play in the 50+ division.

Some exceptions are made for goalie substitutes since no one wants to play without a goalie, but the final say is at the discretion of the league convenor.

Thanks, we look forward to hearing from you!